How Virtual Tours Can Reduce Patient Anxiety In Your Dental Practice

The dentist has long been a place that many associate with fear and stress. There are a range of ways to try to reduce patient anxiety in your dental surgery, we think a virtual tour is the best. Read on to find out why.

Increased familiarity

One way to reduce patient anxiety is by allowing patients to familiarise themselves with your space before they arrive. High-quality virtual tours mean prospective patients view and get to know the layout of your dental surgery before visiting. For patients with anxiety, revisiting a virtual tour several times beforehand will help them to feel calmer when they visit.

Demonstrate cleanliness

Pictures can show how clean some areas are, virtual tours reassure patients how clean your entire practice is. Evidence of clean rooms, floors and surfaces, and detailed visual evidence of the professionalism with which your dental surgery operates, many patients will be able to feel more relaxed when they visit.

Highlight your equipment

Lots of the equipment dentists use is unfamiliar and can be a little intimidating to those outside of the trade. Virtualoom virtual tours will highlight your state-of-the-art equipment with a note explaining what it’s used for and how it works. Some patient anxiety stems from the unknown elements, making virtual tours an excellent way to ease people’s fears.


Less about reducing patient anxiety, it is important to note that virtual tours can be used for educational purposes. Virtual tours can be very valuable educational resources. From young children learning about the wide range of jobs available to prospective dentistry school applicants wanting to know a little more about the job they’re hoping to secure.

A virtual tour of your dental surgery will help to relieve patient anxiety. Encouraging them to stay with your practice going forwards. Beyond that, they can become invaluable educational resources. To find out more, and to receive a free quote for your surgery, get in touch with us today!

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